2015 Photographs: 49th Great Plains Business and Economics Conference

Theme: Regional Economic Development and Policy
October 23th, Wayne State College, 8am - 5pm

Officers, 2014-15

President: Kathryn Zuckweiler
Past-President: Michael O'Hara
President Elect: Meena Dalal
Secrty/Treasurer: Dave Carpenter
Editor, NEBA Journal: Dave Palmer

Executive Board Members:
Jennifer Bossard, Doane Coll
Dave Carpenter, Hastings Coll
Meena Dalal, Wayne State
Christopher Decker, UNO
Joyce Gleason, NWU (ret)
Stephen Horner, Pittsburg St KS
Allan Jenkins, UNK
Doug Kinnear, Hastings Coll
Ron Konecny, UNK
Jack Kramer, Hastings Coll
Ken Kriz, UNO
Kenneth Lemke, NPPD
Samuel Nelson, UNL
Michael O'Hara, UNO
Dave Palmer, UNK
Ronda Smith-Nelson, Ft Hayes, KS
Bill Snyder, Peru State Coll
Kim Sosin, UNO (ret)
Eric Thompson, UNL
John Tiner, Peru State Coll
Kathryn Zuckweiler, UNK